Fight against Diabetes: Eat Organic

The Ayurvedic treatment of any disease primarily focuses on treating the disease with correction of diet in terms of ‘What to eat, when to eat and how to eat, among all of these questions, ‘What to eat is the most…

What Is Gut Health and Why Is It Important?

Make a gutsy move to live a healthy life! Between the ‘eat, chew, metabolise and excrete cycle’, there is a whole other world of gut microbes that work towards keeping your gut healthy. Strong gut health improves our immunity and…

Can’t Ignore the Red Rice Benefits

Indian and Asian cuisines are famous for their rice and gravy combinations, and why shouldn‘t they. Rice can absorb the rich flavours of the curry, and every mouthful has a uniform taste. If we think of rice, white rice hits…

Do You Know The Antioxidant Benefits For Skin?

Antioxidants – we have heard about them so many times with respect to skin care and health, but how many of us really use antioxidants? Before you read on further about the antioxidant benefits for the skin, let’s fully understand…

Miraculous Microgreens Benefits

The world is finally waking up to climate change and the need to eat green and get eco-friendly. How long will it take us to understand that not just on the outside world, we need the benefits of greens for…

Do You Know The Benefits of Apricot During Pregnancy?

Indians are not known for their love affair with the apricots because we are the ‘Mango’ people, but today we are going to elaborate on the benefits of apricot during pregnancy. When pregnant, women get cravings for sweet and tangy…

12 Surprising Yelakki Banana Benefits

All the banana lovers, or rather readers out here, have you heard about Yelakki banana from Bangalore? Bananas lovers know it by various names, like Chiquita, Elaichi banana, Pisang Raja etc, and these are famous for their taste all over…

10 Natural Detoxifying Foods

Have you heard of natural detoxifying foods? Maybe you have, or perhaps you haven’t. Let’s first understand how your body is signalling the detox need. Are you feeling constantly fatigued or stressed? Are headaches a common guest? Is your skin…

Why Is Honey Good For Kids?

Being parents isn’t easy! Apart from the daily chores and activities, most of our time goes in wondering about the types of food our kids eat. Amongst them, raw honey is one such food item. Honey, as we all know,…

How To Consume Ghee for Constipation?

No one likes to discuss shit! Yes, literally. How many times have you seen people talk about their poop? Being a bathroom singer is okay, but having bathroom agony isn’t. We can’t get more biased than this. Constipation is as…