Winter Essentials To Stay Immune

We’ve entered cold and flu season, and the new COVID-19 variant Omicron is entering too. While the top two things you can do to stay infection-free right now are diligently wearing a mask and practicing physical distancing, the reality is…

5 Most Nutritious Vegetables to have this Winter

Winter is here, and now you have all the good reasons to have 5 cups of chai or coffee a day and all things warm. During winter, the surrounding temperature drops, compared to our body temperature, leading to a cold…

Is Cold-Pressed Oil Better than Refined Oil?

Health is the most precious treasure we possess. To live a healthy life, we must eat healthily, organic and chemical-free. Oil is the primary ingredient in our food; thus, we need to be careful while choosing it.    Oilseeds can…

Seven Healthy Alternatives to Wheat Flour

In India, wheat has been very prominently used in everyday meals. Round, fluffy, wholesome rotis, parathas, puris, and many more, we Indians cannot live in a world without wheat.   Despite wheat being very nutritious, it does get tagged along…

Build a Waste-Free Future, Especially for You!

Our planet was created by God or was an act of the Big Bang is a separate debate but 100% made of all things natural and beautiful. The past few years, however, have all been about humans building an empire…

Ways to Check If Your Food Is Organic or Not

“Food” was just labeled as food and was not categorized into any kind. It was only, after the Green Revolution, in India, we started cultivating crops via various artificial methods to fulfill the need of the large population.  The revolution…

Boost Your Immunity with Food

Natural organic food products have been around for centuries. We saw the shortcomings of the low immune system in the Covid-19 breakout, and thus more people are becoming aware of the nutrition they are intaking. People are not only focusing…

Must-Know Indian Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Heyy! Firstly, congratulations! You must be over the moon because you and your partner are expecting your little hooman.  In between the showers of blessings and games of guessing the gender, there are gentle whispers and advice. While some of…

10 Foods To Boost Fertility Naturally

Fertility and diet are topics that people still discuss in private or in the white cabins of doctors. Food is an integral part of our wellbeing, and so is fertility. The latter is directly linked to our self-confidence, so today’s…

15 Powerful Antioxidant Rich Food in India

Want to take your immunity to a whole new level and also delay the signs of ageing? Say hello to antioxidants! With all it’s staggering health benefits, the lust for antioxidant-rich food these days is surreal!  India is known not…