How to Maintain a Healthy Eating Lifestyle

What is healthy eating?  Healthy eating implies consuming a variety of foods that give you the nutrients you need to feel good, have energy, and maintain health. These nutrients consist of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, water, vitamins, and minerals. Despite the…

Fight against Diabetes: Eat Organic

The Ayurvedic treatment of any disease primarily focuses on treating the disease with correction of diet in terms of ‘What to eat, when to eat and how to eat, among all of these questions, ‘What to eat is the most…

Can’t Ignore the Red Rice Benefits

Indian and Asian cuisines are famous for their rice and gravy combinations, and why shouldn‘t they. Rice can absorb the rich flavours of the curry, and every mouthful has a uniform taste. If we think of rice, white rice hits…

Miraculous Microgreens Benefits

The world is finally waking up to climate change and the need to eat green and get eco-friendly. How long will it take us to understand that not just on the outside world, we need the benefits of greens for…

Do You Know The Benefits of Apricot During Pregnancy?

Indians are not known for their love affair with the apricots because we are the ‘Mango’ people, but today we are going to elaborate on the benefits of apricot during pregnancy. When pregnant, women get cravings for sweet and tangy…

10 Foods To Boost Fertility Naturally

Fertility and diet are topics that people still discuss in private or in the white cabins of doctors. Food is an integral part of our wellbeing, and so is fertility. The latter is directly linked to our self-confidence, so today’s…

12 Surprising Yelakki Banana Benefits

All the banana lovers, or rather readers out here, have you heard about Yelakki banana from Bangalore? Bananas lovers know it by various names, like Chiquita, Elaichi banana, Pisang Raja etc, and these are famous for their taste all over…

10 Effective Ways To Identify The Organic Vegetables

Most of us are raised in the city, so the closest organic farming concept we are exposed to are the terrace gardens and the beautiful potted plants in our balcony that our mothers are so proud of and why shouldn’t…

Organic Food: Is It Good For The Environment And Climate Change

“What we eat is what we become”. As a health-conscious person, you might have heard about organic food. It is not only safe and nutritious for your fitness but is eco-friendly too. If you are a resident of Delhi, Gurgaon…

Mango Kulfi

Awesome Recipe of a Mango Kulfi- By Deepti Mittal- An EarthyTales Consumer Summer season is here and one cannot resist making things out of mango. My household has been having a lot of mango being used like mango rice, mango shake,…