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Gir Cow A2 Ghee

Nutrient-Rich and Traditional Ghee

A2 Organic Desi Cow Ghee
Best A2 Desi Cow Ghee
Trusted Ghee Brand of India
Fesh and pure Desi Ghee in Delhi And NCR
A2 Organic Desi Cow Ghee
Best A2 Desi Cow Ghee
Trusted Ghee Brand of India
Fesh and pure Desi Ghee in Delhi And NCR
700+ Farmers Empowered
700+ Farmers Empowered
Procured From Gir, Gujarat
Procured From Gir, Gujarat
100% Chemical Free
100% Chemical Free

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Earthy Tales Organics' Gir Cow A2 Ghee is made from the milk of grass-fed A2 desi cows, offering a rich, creamy flavor. High in healthy fats and antioxidants, it supports digestion and overall wellness. Perfect for cooking, baking, and spreading, our A2 ghee provides a nutritious and flavorful addition to your meals. Enjoy the health benefits and delicious taste of our organically sourced Gir Cow A2 Ghee.

In the heart of India, where verdant pastures stretch as far as the eye can see, the revered Gir cow roams freely. These indigenous cows, known for their superior quality milk, graze on organic fodder, nourishing themselves with nature’s bounty. From this pristine milk emerges the essence of well-being:

A2 Gir Cow Bilona Ghee

Ghee, the liquid gold revered in Ayurveda, has been a cherished part of Indian culinary traditions for centuries. Among the many varieties, Buy A2 Gir Cow Ghee with us so it stands out as a superior choice for its exceptional purity and nourishing properties. Bilona, a trusted name in organic products, brings you the authentic taste and benefits of this Ayurvedic treasure, right to your doorstep.

Sourced from the indigenous Gir cows of Gujarat, Bilona's Organic A2 Gir Cow Ghee In India is a true embodiment of nature's bounty. These cows are renowned for producing A2 milk, which is easier to digest and richer in nutrients compared to regular cow's milk. Through a gentle and traditional bilona process, the milk is transformed into a golden elixir that retains its natural goodness.

Unlike many commercial ghee varieties, Bilona's A2 Gir Cow Ghee is free from any harmful additives or preservatives. It is prepared following strict organic standards, ensuring purity and maintaining the delicate balance of nutrients. This ghee is not only a culinary delight but also a potent source of essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants that support overall well-being.

Whether you're sautéing vegetables, tempering dal, or preparing decadent desserts, Bilona's Organic A2 Gir Cow Ghee in India elevates the flavors and adds a rich, buttery essence to your dishes. Its versatility extends beyond the kitchen, as it has been traditionally used for various Ayurvedic remedies and rituals.

Bilona's A2 Gir Cow Ghee into your diet alongside other wholesome ingredients like organic honey, coconut oil, sesame oil, and mustard oil can contribute to a balanced and nourishing culinary experience.

Why choose A2 Gir Cow Bilona Ghee? 

The answer lies in its unparalleled nutritional profile and authentic taste. A2 milk, rich in essential nutrients and free from the A1 beta-casein protein found in conventional milk, offers numerous health benefits, including better digestion and reduced inflammation. When this milk is transformed into ghee using the Bilona method, the result is a product that retains all the goodness of A2 milk, along with the rich aroma and flavor of Buy A2 Gir Cow Ghee with Earthy Tales.

The Craftsmanship Behind A2 Gir Cow Ghee

1. Authentic And Pure A2 Gir Cow Milk

Our journey begins with the Gir cow—a gentle, hump-backed creature that embodies resilience and grace. These cows, native to the Indian subcontinent, produce milk rich in A2 beta-casein protein. Their milk is the cornerstone of our ghee, carrying within it centuries of wisdom and tradition.

The Bilona Method: 

We honor our ancestors by employing the Bilona method, a time-honored alchemical process. Here’s how it unfolds:

  1. Curd Formation: Fresh Gir cow milk is transformed into curd. This curd, nurtured by the sun’s warmth, becomes the canvas for our ghee.

  2. Wooden Churning: Enter the wooden churner, affectionately called “Bilona.” With rhythmic motions, it churns the curd, separating butter from whey. This butter, infused with the essence of the Gir cow’s diet, holds the promise of ghee.

  3. Heating the Butter: The butter undergoes gentle heat, releasing its liquid gold. The transformation is complete—the Bilona method has worked its magic.

The Role of Earthen Pots

At every step, we turn to earthen pots. These vessels, molded by the hands of artisans, cradle our ghee. 

Why earthen pots? 

Because they breathe. They allow the ghee to mature, absorbing the earth’s energy. The result? A ghee that resonates with the soil, carrying the fragrance of sun-kissed clay.

No Additives, No Compromises

Our A2 Gir Cow Ghee remains unadulterated. We shun artificial flavors, preservatives, and shortcuts. What you get is pure, organic goodness—the way nature intended. Each spoonful whispers tales of ancient wisdom, echoing across generations.

Why Choose A2 Gir Cow Ghee?

1. Joint Pain Relief

Ayurveda reveres A2 Gir Cow Ghee for its anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption may soothe joint pain, allowing you to move with grace and ease.

2. Immunity Booster

Rich in vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats, our ghee acts as an immunity booster. It fortifies your body’s defenses, shielding you from life’s challenges.

3. Nourishment During Pregnancy

Expecting mothers find solace in our ghee. It provides essential fatty acids, vitamins, and energy, nurturing both mother and child.

4. Ayurvedic Treasure Trove

From enhancing memory to promoting skin health, A2 Gir Cow Ghee is a treasure trove of Ayurvedic wisdom. It’s not just food; it’s medicine.

Experience the Goodness

we invite you to explore our collection. Each jar of A2 Gir Cow Bilona Ghee carries the fragrance of sunsets, the whispers of ancient cows, and the promise of well-being. Savor it—a spoonful at a time. 

Discover the richness of A2 Gir Cow Bilona Ghee online nature’s gift to your health and happiness!

Milk from Gir Desi Cows.  This milk is specifically chosen because it comes from Gir cows, a breed native to India, and it follows A2 standards, which means it contains only the A2 type of beta-casein protein.

the nutritional information for one tablespoon (14 grams) of Gir Cow A2 Desi Ghee:

  • Fat: 14 grams
  • Saturated Fat: 9 grams
  • Monounsaturated Fat: 4 grams
  • Polyunsaturated Fat: 1 gram
  • Protein: 0.04 grams
  • Cholesterol: 30 mg
  • Sodium: 15 mg
  • Vitamin A: 438 IU
  • Vitamin D: 15 mcg
  • Vitamin E: 0.4 mg
  • Vitamin K: 1.2 mcg
  • Choline: 2.7 mg
  • Omega-3: 45 mg

As you can see, Gir Cow A2 Desi Ghee is a good source of healthy fats, including vitamins A, D, E, and K. It is also a good source of choline, which is important for brain health.

  • Use an airtight container: This is crucial to prevent moisture and contaminants from spoiling the ghee. Glass jars are ideal, especially dark-colored ones to protect from light.
  • Store in a cool, dark place: A pantry shelf away from direct sunlight or heat sources is perfect. Avoid areas near your stove or oven.
  • Keep it sealed tight: After scooping out ghee, ensure the lid is secured firmly to prevent air from entering.
  • Use a dry utensil: When scooping out ghee, use a clean and dry spoon to avoid introducing moisture.

By following these tips, you can enjoy your Gir Cow A2 Desi Ghee for months to come!

Why Earthy Tales

Founded in 2017
Founded in 2017
Loved by 12K Families
Loved by 12K Families
Purpose-driven Founders
Purpose-driven Founders
500+ Farmers Mentored
500+ Farmers Mentored
Fully Organic, Tested
Fully Organic, Tested
Govt. Of India Incubated
Govt. Of India Incubated
ET Circle Subscription

On an average ET Cirlce members save upto ₹5,000 per month on their monthly organic grocery purchases.

Try Now @ ₹9/day

The Choice Of 12K Families

I recently tried Earthy Tales Organic A2 Bilona ghee and I am amazed at the quality and taste. It has a rich and nutty flavor that is perfect for cooking and baking. I also love that it is made from the milk of A2 cow breeds using the traditional Bilona method, which makes it a healthier and purer form of ghee. Highly recommend!

Deepanshu Kholi

I have been using Earthy Tales Organic A2 Bilona ghee for a few weeks now and I have noticed a significant improvement in my digestion and overall health. It is also great for my skin and hair. I love that it is organic and made from the milk of A2 cows. It is definitely worth the investment.

Menakhi Dhawan

I have tried many different types of ghee, but Earthy Tales Organic A2 Bilona ghee is by far the best. It has a unique and delicious taste that enhances the flavor of any dish. I also appreciate the fact that it is made using traditional methods and from the milk of A2 cow breeds, which makes it a healthier and more nutritious choice.

Rita Mathur

I have been using Earthy Tales Organic A2 Bilona ghee for cooking and I am impressed with the quality and flavor. It is perfect for frying and sautéing and adds a wonderful aroma to my dishes. I highly recommend this product to anyone who wants to elevate their cooking game.

Neetu Singh

I have been using Earthy Tales Organic A2 Bilona ghee for a few months now and I can definitely feel the difference in my overall health and well-being. It has helped with my digestion and has also improved the quality of my hair and skin. I highly recommend this product to anyone who wants to make a positive change in their lifestyle.

Abhilasha Kapoor

I recently switched to Earthy Tales Organic A2 Bilona ghee after reading about its health benefits and I am so glad I did. It has a rich and creamy texture and a delicious flavor that is perfect for making Indian dishes. I also love that it is made from the milk of A2 cow breeds, which makes it a healthier and more nutritious choice.

Neelum Adani

I have been using Earthy Tales Organic A2 Bilona ghee for a few weeks now and I can feel the difference in my overall health and energy levels. It has helped with my digestion and has also improved the quality of my skin. I highly recommend this product to anyone who wants to lead a healthier and more natural lifestyle.

Leena Kaur

अच्छा अन्न, अच्छा तन, अच्छा मन ™

Did You Know? Gir Cow A2 Ghee is also known by these names: Bilona Gir Cow Ghee, Organic A2 Gir Cow Ghee, Pure Gir cow Ghee

Pure A2 Milk from Grass Fed Gir Cows
Pure A2 Milk from Grass Fed Gir Cows
Enhanced Health & Wellness
Enhanced Health & Wellness
Traditional Bilona Method
Traditional Bilona Method

Also Available on:

Amazon India
Flipkart India
ONDC India
Jio Mart India

Why Switch To Gir Cow A2 Ghee

Enhanced Immunity

Enhanced Immunity

A2 ghee, including Earthy Tales', is rich in vitamins A, D, E, and K, all known to contribute to a healthy immune system.
Improved Digestion

Improved Digestion

Earthy Tales highlights the A2 protein in their ghee, which may aid digestion and reduce inflammation in the gut.
Brain Function Support

Brain Function Support

Earthy Tales mentions A2 ghee potentially boosting brain function. This might be due to the presence of healthy fats and Vitamin E.
Potential Heart Health Benefits

Potential Heart Health Benefits

Some studies suggest ghee, in moderation, may positively impact heart health due to certain fatty acids it contains. However, more research is needed.
Skin and Hair Health

Skin and Hair Health

Earthy Tales highlights the moisturizing properties of A2 ghee, which may benefit skin and hair health when consumed or used topically (consult a dermatologist before applying topically).
Source of Energy

Source of Energy

Ghee, in general, is a concentrated source of calories, providing energy. Earthy Tales emphasizes this as a benefit of their A2 ghee.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! We use only organic milk from A2 Gir cows, raised without antibiotics or hormones, to create our ghee.

A2 Organic Bilona Ghee is a type of clarified butter made from the milk of indigenous Indian cows of the A2 breed. The ghee is prepared using the traditional Bilona method, which involves churning curd made from the A2 cow's milk to separate the butter and milk solids. The resulting ghee is considered to be of high quality and is widely used in Indian cuisine and traditional medicine.

A2 Organic Bilona Ghee is made from the milk of indigenous Indian cows of the A2 breed, while regular ghee can be made from the milk of any type of cow. A2 cows are believed to produce milk that is easier to digest and contains more nutrients than the milk of other breeds. Additionally, A2 Organic Bilona Ghee is prepared using the traditional Bilona method, which involves churning curd made from the A2 cow's milk to separate the butter and milk solids. This method is believed to produce ghee of higher quality than other methods.

Bilona method is a traditional Indian method of churning butter from curd/yogurt made from the whole milk. The butter is then heated over a low flame, and the impurities are removed, resulting in pure golden ghee.

A2 Organic Bilona Ghee is believed to have numerous health benefits, including improving digestion, boosting the immune system, promoting healthy skin, and reducing inflammation. It is also a rich source of healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin E, and calcium.

No, thanks to its high smoke point, you can store A2 Gir Cow Bilona Ghee at room temperature for several months. Refrigeration can further extend its shelf life.

Yes, A2 Organic Bilona Ghee is suitable for lactose intolerant people as the process of making ghee removes most of the lactose and casein present in milk.

Yes, we offer same-day delivery for orders placed within Delhi NCR and confirmed before a specific cut-off time (time can be mentioned here).

A2 Organic Bilona Ghee has a long shelf life and can last up to six months or more if stored properly.

Yes, A2 Organic Bilona Ghee is an excellent cooking oil as it has a high smoke point, making it suitable for frying, sautéing, and baking.

Yes, A2 Organic Bilona Ghee can be used for skincare as it is a natural moisturizer that can help improve skin health and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

At Earthy Tales, we're passionate about quality and source our A2 Gir Cow Bilona Ghee directly from trusted farms. We use organic practices and slow-cooking methods to preserve the purity and flavor. Explore our website to learn more and discover the Earthy Tales difference!

Add richness and depth
to your meals with our 100% pure A2 bilona ghee.
Ghee Usage Of Earthy Tales

Earthy Tales A2 Bilona ghee has a high smoke point, which makes it perfect for frying, sautéing, and roasting. It can be used to cook a variety of dishes such as curries, rice & vegetables.

Ghee Usage Of Earthy Tales

Earthy Tales A2 Bilona ghee can be used as a substitute for butter in baking recipes such as cakes, cookies, and bread. It adds a rich and nutty flavor to baked goods.

Ghee Usage Of Earthy Tales

A2 Bilona ghee can be used as a spread on toast or bread instead of butter or margarine. It has a rich and creamy texture that melts in your mouth.

Ghee Usage Of Earthy Tales
Ayurvedic Medicine

Earthy Tales A2 Bilona ghee is used in Ayurvedic medicine as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments such as digestive issues, skin problems, and respiratory issues. It is believed to have healing and rejuvenating properties.

Ghee Usage Of Earthy Tales
Personal Care

Earthy Tales A2 Bilona ghee can be used in personal care products such as hair masks, body lotions, and lip balms. It is believed to have moisturizing and nourishing properties for the skin and hair.

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  • Group Buy works on principle of promoting clean food amongst your communities i.e Friends, Family, Neighbours & buying together as a Team to save more
  • By procuring Bulk from our farmers, we are able to get better rates and also save on transport costs, thereby enabling us to offer these special rates.

We notify you on the Earthy Tales website when & for which products new Team Buy offers are available. You can form Groups(with existing Earthy Tales users or new friends, family, neighbours) and place pre-orders for these items. Once the Group Buy deadline closes - we place orders on your behalf with the specific farmer, and they send the produce to us for us home delivery to you.

Prices are lower for Group Buy because forming Group enables us to place bulk orders with farmers. Additionally, most people form Teams with neighbors, which reduces our last-mile delivery costs. We pass these savings on to you.

Each Group Buy offer mentions the minimum number of people needed for the group to be active. The most common minimum group size is just 2 people.

We're currently working on such functionality, but at present, the discount remains the same. However, we occasionally announce prizes for the top group with the maximum number of Group members - keep an eye out for them.

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If no one joins your group within the deadline, your order is automatically canceled and auto refunded.

If your Group Buy succeeds, we will deliver the products to all individual group members. Each Group Buy listing specifies the expected delivery dates. In rare cases where delivery is not possible due to reasons such as the produce not meeting quality standards, your order will be canceled and refunded.

Every day, we list different sets of products you can purchase, including chemical-free fruits, all best sellet staples, etc.

Currently, this Group Buy is available in selected pincodes of Delhi and Gurgaon. We plan to expand it for pan-India delivery soon.

Yes, delivery charges may apply to selected locations, but you can opt for an ET Circle Subscription plan to enjoy unlimited free deliveries.

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